Having a bank account is a safe and efficient way of managing your personal finances. Bank accounts allow you to make payments and get paid from your employer easily. Owning a bank account also means that you have a safe place to store your hard earned money. In this article, you will learn how easy it is to open a bank account online and the benefits associated with bank accounts.
Opening a bank account has never been easier. Likemoney.co.za allows you to compare all South African bank accounts that have been rated by the public. You can compare bank accounts according to monthly fees, specific type of bank accounts, service providers and more.
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Bank accounts offer convenience: If you have a cheque account, you can easily pay by cheque through online bill pay. You will also have proof of bank statements that you paid for bills. A bank card is usually accepted for purchases anywhere a Visa /MasterCard is accepted.
Bank accounts are safe: Your money will be protected from theft and fires.
It’s an easy way to save money: Most bank accounts these days offer an interest rate when you put your money in a savings account. The interest will help your money grow over time. You must make sure to shop around on Likemoney and see what fees are involved before you open a bank account online. You don’t want to wind up paying more in fees than you are gaining in interest.
Other pros to having a bank account: You can easily pay for your bills online, transferring of money to family or friends is easy, accessing your cash; When you need cash but don’t have a bank account, you may decide to use a credit card to get a cash advance from an ATM. The credit card company will charge you a transaction fee and interest. If you have a bank account and an ATM or debit card, you can access your money from your own bank’s ATM for free.
A recent survey conducted on Likemoney revealed what bank account the Likemoney users preferred. The Absa Gold Cheque Account came out on top with a staggering 30% vote share.
ClICK HERE to open a bank account online today