Extended Car Warranty For Your Car And Should You Buy It

Taking out an extended car warranty for your car is very popular in today’s times, due to the fact that cars are are filled with complex technology and electronics. An extended motor warranty allows you to be covered for any motor problems which may be experienced while your car is under warranty. In this article, we look at the pros and cons of taking out an extended motor warranty plan:


  • You can target specific needs: Extended car warranty allows you to attain a larger amount of products and services than you would with your original motor warranty.
  • You are able to cover more costly repairs: If your car’s mechanical system fails, it can be extremely costly to repair. For this reason alone, it is worthwhile to take out an extended car warranty as this will be covered. However, be sure to check that your warranty covers your car’s more advanced technological features before you purchase.
  • Payment and paperwork is taken care of: Although extended motor warranties may be more pricey, the upside is that your dealer will take care of all the paperwork and is paid directly by the manufacturer.


  • Extended motor plans can be pricey: Attaining an extended warranty can often be expensive, so one has to consider whether they think their car will require more repairs than the price of the warranty. One can never be sure though, so the price is usually well worth it in the end.
  • Not all repairs are covered: Extended motor warranty plans come with exclusions which one has to look at carefully. This may very well mean that you are not covered for the particular repair that you need for your vehicle and this can be frustrating. Therefore, make sure that you read the fine print very carefully.

If you are thinking about attaining an extended motor warranty plan for your vehicle, be sure to use LikeMoney’s comparative platform to help you make the right decision!

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Extended Car Warranty For Your Car And Should You Buy It
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Extended Car Warranty For Your Car And Should You Buy It
Taking out an extended car warranty for your car is very popular in today's times, due to the fact that cars are are filled with complex technology and electronics.
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