Getting The Most Out Of Your Credit Card Rewards Program

A rewards program, whether associated with your credit card or other banking options, is a great incentive to give companies your business and ultimately, your loyalty. With so many rewards programs out there, including Nedbank Greenbacks, Avios Rewards and more, the decision regarding which one to go with can be daunting.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when deciding on a suitable rewards program which you will get the most out of:

Consider your personal interests:iStock_000031667684_Large-300x253

From airline miles, to gift cards, to merchandise, different rewards programs offer different benefits and rewards. Think about what interests you and align your credit card rewards program to things that interest you. Otherwise, you may find that the rewards you receive are pretty much useless to you. If you find that you are spending too much on grocery shopping, a program which offers points for free shopping items will help a lot. See what’s out there and what suits you!

Try and use your rewards program-connected credit card as much as you can:

Instead of using various cards at different times, try and take advantage of the rewards offered to you by using your rewards program-connected credit card as much as you can. This doesn’t mean that you need to go spend money unnecessarily, but it will be more beneficial to reap the rewards than to spend money not connected to the rewards.

Be aware of any changes in terms and conditions:

It is common for credit card companies to change their terms now and then, so make sure that you keep track of this as it may also affect your rewards program terms. If you are in possession of other credit cards which have less rewarding rewards programs, it may be a good idea to get rid of them and focus on one credit card.

To get a good idea of which rewards programs your friends are using and recommending, use LikeMoney’s comparative platform now!

Getting The Most Out Of Your Credit Card Rewards Program
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Getting The Most Out Of Your Credit Card Rewards Program
A rewards program, whether associated with your credit card or other banking options, is a great incentive to give companies your business and ultimately, your loyalty.
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