How To Apply For A Credit Card

Applying for a Credit Card Online

Getting a credit card is a very easy process that can give you more buying power and help you build your credit history. You can help move the credit card application process forward by having the right information on-hand, as outlined below. Also, if you’re still unsure as to which card is right for you, remember to do a credit card comparison first.

Required information for credit card application

In order to complete a credit card application, you’ll need to all of the following information:

  • Full legal name and date of birth
  • Home address, phone number and email address
  • Current and previous employers
  • Gross annual income
  • Identification Number (optional)
  • Information on other credit cards you hold (should you have any)

Note that missing information could make the approval process or result take much longer and you could be declined as well. Should you not have all the right information on hand, you could always do a comparison first and apply for a credit card once we have everything required.

Selecting the right card for your needs

Finding the right credit card to meet your needs isn’t as easy as most would have you believe it to be. A specially when you’re doing all the comparison work yourself. That’s why we recommend that you try Likemoney’s online comparison first. What makes this online comparison different?

Simply put, all credit card providers will run a comparison for you based on their products, not on every product out there. With this online comparison, you’ll get the latest comparisons, ratings and reviews based on other user’s experience. You’ll get an array of cards with different benefits, choose from travel rewards cards, fuel rewards, cash back cards, student cards, and everyday use cards and so much more. Everything you need on one platform.

How to apply for a credit card

You can apply for a credit card in 3 easy steps:

  1. Once you’ve found the credit card you would like to apply for, select the “Apply Now” button to start the application process.
  1. You’ll then be phoned by a credit card operator that’ll check to see if you qualify for the credit card and do some checks. Once you’ve been approved, your application is then sent through to the card issuer who’ll contact you.
How To Apply For A Credit Card
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How To Apply For A Credit Card
Getting a credit card is a very easy process that can give you more buying power and help you build your credit history.
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