Sanlam Share Trading is done through their online trading platform called ITrade which is an…
Sanlam Share Trading is done through their online trading platform called ITrade which is an advanced online trading platform that offers you everything you need and more to make effective investment decisions. You can pro actively manage your portfolio and trade on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange at competitive prices.
Sanlam Share Trading: CFD’s
You can trade shares and CFD’s, giving you instant access to Direct Markets. Sanlam provides daily market commentaries, research, and comprehensive fundamental share data on every stock listed on the JSE including 10 year financial statements, price charts that have technical analysis tools and a full learning and education center. Furthermore, Sanlam provides global CFD trading through SPI Direct and managed equity portfolios in Imanaged. Sanlam ITrade is the only online share trading website available in Afrikaans.
Sanlam Share Trading IManaged Managed Portfolios:
Sanlam offers managed portfolios from as little as R150 000 but they have to be smaller than R1 million. IManaged portfolios are not unit trusts, they are individual share portfolios. There is a maximum of 10 shares in each portfolio to minimize trading costs. Individual shares are registered directly into your name which provides ownership and full JSE protection under the JSE Fidelity Fund. The IManaged portfolios are not individually tailored but are strictly managed according to model portfolio guidelines, giving clients access to the expertise and excellent track from of the SPW investment team.
Sanlam contact details:
Address: 2 Strand St,
Unclear, Cape Town, 7530
Tel: 021 916 5000
Email: [email protected]