Personal Loans - Wesbank Personal Loans

Wesbank Personal Loans


Wesbank Personal Loans

WesBank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited, is one of Africa’s largest financial services groups….



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Wesbank Personal Loans

WesBank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited, is one of Africa’s largest financial services groups. They focus on asset and vehicle finance and have grown also to offer loans. They focus on providing secured instalment finance to retail, public sector and corporate markets as well as related services such as insurance, fleet management and full maintenance rental.

Wesbank Personal Loans

Wesbank have partnered with Direct Axis to offer you “CashPower Personal Loans” in the quickest most convenient way. You can tailor make Wesbank Personal Loans any way you want, and you can choose the load amount and the repayment period, and it offers a variety of great benefits.

Wesbank Personal Loans benefits offer great benefits which allow you to choose your loan amount and repayment option that suits you best from two to six years. With Wesbank Personal Loans, you will never be affected by interest rate increases with their fixed repayments over your full long term. Wesbank have very fast processing times, and the deposit will be put into your account in next to no time and the application process is very convenient as you can do it online or over the phone with no face-to-face interviews and no unnecessary paperwork. Wesbank Personal Loans are unsecured, and there’s no need to provide any collateral to secure your loan. Wesbank will only ever approve a loan that you can comfortably afford to repay, and a Customer Protection Plan is included, enabling you to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with dealing with a reputable and established company.


Wesbank contact details:

Address: Enterprise Road
Fairland, 2170
Tel: 011 649 6000
Email: [email protected]

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