Nedbank offers an extensive amount of different Nedbank current accounts. The Nedbank Current Accounts are made for different people in different walks of life so they’ll benefit more people. In other words, because there are so many different types of accounts, they’re more flexible and thus, more Savvy. Take a look and decide for yourself.
With the Nedbank Savvy Bundle account, you can expect the whole enchilada, a traditional account with all the bells and naturally all the whistles, access to credit, unlimited use and the convenience of a variety of channels to bank through. For a fixed monthly fee, you’ll get a Platinum Cheque Card, a Platinum Credit Card, an overdraft facility, become a Greenbacks Rewards member and the convenience of free digital banking, anytime!
Some added features include unlimited card swipes, debit orders and Nedbank ATM withdrawals plus, SMS notification every time money enters or leaves your account.
The Nedbank Savvy Plus Account will give you the most out of your banking with the most value, all for one monthly fee. You can later add some more benefits to your account as you need them like an overdraft facility.
For a fixed monthly fee, you can expect a Gold Cheque account, the convenience of free digital banking at any time or from anywhere, unlimited swipes and debit orders and if that’s not enough, four Nedbank ATM withdrawals per month.
With the Nedbank KeYona Bundle Account you’re getting funeral cover and free digital banking at a low monthly fixed fee for your convenience.
This fixed monthly fee includes your first 8 Nedbank transactions, using the Nedbank App or online banking, R2 000 funeral cover and SMS notification every time money comes into or leaves your account.
With the Nedbank Pay-As-You-Use Account you get exactly as the name suggests, you only pay as you use the account. That includes a full transactional account, a free debit card, free self-service banking subscription and no minimum income is required to benefit from this account.
With the Nedbank Optimum Current Account, should you maintain a minimum balance of R10 000 in a fixed deposit, notice deposit or JustSave Account, you’ll get these for free: Free monthly fee, unlimited cheque deposits at Nedbank branches and ATMs, 4 Nedbank cash withdrawals and 2 free over the counter cash withdrawals, cheque payments and unlimited debit and stop orders.
This special Nedbank Dezign Student Account is for full time students. Because students have very unique financial needs, this account was designed with that purpose in mind. For a fixed monthly fee and by having a minimum amount of R20 in your account, you’ll get free cash withdrawals at Nedbank ATMs, unlimited electronic inter-account transfers, free unlimited electronic account payments, free debit and stop orders and, free debit card purchases.
The Nedbank 4Me Account was creates for everyone under the age of 18 with the purpose in mind of helping to teach your child how to become financially fit from a young age and also, help them to save for the things they want to buy, be it a toy, concert ticket or taking mom or dad out for their birthday. With this account you pay no monthly maintenance fee, 4 free cash withdrawals from any Nedbank ATM or Pick & Pay/Boxers stores’ till points.
Like we said, such savvy Nedbank Current Accounts. All the benefits and features weren’t mentioned here so go take a look at the full value of each account. Or you can take a look at our bank accounts comparison , every card compared and rated by other South Africans based on their experience, so you know it’s true value.
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