A funeral plan is an insurance policy that covers you and your family for the cost of a funeral should a family member pass away. In cases where money isn’t paid out to the spouse or members of the policy, the family will benefit in other ways, e.g. the funeral is paid for, transportation and groceries for the family for a period of time following your death are some of the benefits one can expect. However, as always, most individuals prefer cold hard cash.
A funeral plan is a cover that helps the family of the deceased with the inconveniences associated with everyday life. The family will be grieving and may not be able to access funds to cover the cost of living as well as the funeral expenses. It’s not a life insurance policy that also pays out in the event of the policy holder’s death, but a cover for funeral expenses only.
Many people will say that no one needs any insurance policies and the same can be said about funeral cover. But then again, it all depends on your perspective on life. When you pass away, your family will have to come up with a large amount of money just to give you the funeral they’d like you to have.
Not only would your family want to remember you with dignity in terms of an amazing funeral, but there are the social pressures to which they have to conform as well. To do even a basic funeral with less than R10 000 is very difficult.
For your family to give you the funeral that they see as worthy of you, they will have to have access to large amounts of money. Funerals aren’t cheap. Nobody wants a pauper’s burial and though you might not be there to see your funeral, no one wants to see a loved one sent off without a dignified funeral.
So, where will your family turn? Will they spend their life savings that’s meant for something else? Will they miss rent payments, electricity payments or even school fees? Will they take out loans that will impact their way of life forward?
A funeral plan covers these questions and leaves your family with the money needed to give you the funeral you deserve. Whether it’s necessary or not, that is your choice.
This all depends on the amount of cover you choose when taking out your policy. You can be covered from R5000 all the way up to R50 000 or more, depending on you.
Some funeral plans through burial services won’t put cash in the hands of your spouse, but will cover all expenses related to the funeral. The expenses with death doesn’t stop there, even though the funeral is paid for, there are other expenses before and after the funeral that needs to be paid as well.
That’s why it’s best to make sure your funeral cover pays out a little more than just the funeral expenses. You can however, save a lot by taking out family funeral cover.
Funeral covers are mostly available through insurance companies, banks and even some burial services and undertakers. It has become so simple, you can literally pick up the phone and have it done and set up in minutes. Or, just click here to get a competitive quote and sign up.
Your account will be debited monthly, or you can arrange to pay it annually by paying one amount every year. It’s important though to know what you are buying in terms of the cash payout and other benefits of the funeral cover. Most people never look past the monthly premium and may at times then opt for a lower cover. Ultimately, your family pays the price so be sure to stick to your cover.