Funeral Insurance - Edgars Funeral Cover

Edgars Funeral Cover


Edgars Funeral Cover

Edgars is a huge clothing retailer found in South Africa, and they have now introduced Edgars…



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Edgars Funeral Cover

Edgars is a huge clothing retailer found in South Africa, and they have now introduced Edgars Insurance underwritten By Hollard Life Assurance Company Limited. They offer you a wide range of insurance products which you can simply charge to your account including Edgars Funeral Cover.

Edgars Funeral Cover

Edgars allows you pay your premium and submits your claim at your nearest store monthly. Their Claims are paid out within 58 hours of submitting all the valid claim documentation.

Edgars Funeral cover offers two plans: Family Funeral and parent funeral.

Edgars Funeral Cover: Family

  • The Family Funeral Plan gives you complete peace of mind and ensures that you and your immediate family are financially prepared for the expense of a funeral, with up to 50 000 cover from as little as R47 per month.
  • The memorial benefit provides a payment in the event of the main member or partner passing away,  (one) year after the event.
  • The grocery benefit provides payment, in addition to the sum insured in the event of an Insured Person passing away.

Edgars Funeral Cover: Parent

The Parent Funeral Plan can cover up to four parents/partner parents and to make it easier for you; insurance premiums will be charged to your Edgars Account every month.


Edgars contact details:

Address: Edgardale, Press Avenue
Crown Mines
Johannesburg 2092

Tel: 086 011 2442
Email: [email protected]

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