Credit Cards offer a variety of positives that for the right people, make for an excellent financial tool. Credit Cards receive a lot of bad press when it comes to personal finances as many people put themselves in huge financial debt by buying things they think they can afford to pay off. However, ff you are disciplined, there are some great reasons as to why you should own a credit card. Heres how to find the best credit card and some benefits to owning a one.
Find The Best Credit Card With Likemoney:
First of all you shouldn’t just go for one of the 5 most common banks. Yes it is fine to go for one of them but you should always do a credit card comparison first. By doing a comparison you can see features of other credit cards from smaller providers like Woolworths credit card for example who can offer you better benefits like discounts on your shopping or better rates.
Second of all you should know what you need from your credit card. Benefit from a rewards programme that suits your lifestyle. If you’re a frequent flyer you should think of getting a card that offers flight rewards. If you want a credit card mainly for emergency purposes, you should find a card with low interest rates. Understanding what your credit card will be used for will help you narrow down the search.
Do you know what a low competitive rate is? It’s a difficult figure to know for sure, it changes so frequently it can be tricky to know when you’re getting a really good rate on a Credit Card. That’s why, comparing your options is the best thing to do. Compare the interest rates on a selection of credit cards on Likemoney so you can see what the range of rates are. Not everyone will be eligible for the lowest rates, but understanding how much the interest rates can add to your monthly expenditure is vital in keeping control over your debt.
Credit Card fees – What you didn’t know! When shopping around for Credit Cards, make sure you take into account any fees associated with the card. Is it monthly or is it annually? You’ll need to factor these fees into the cost of what you borrow, some card providers may be more competitive than others. Make sure you also compare the usage fees of the Credit Cards you’re considering. Many won’t charge when used at a restaurant or a retailer but they may charge fees for ATM withdrawals or to make bank deposits.
Let help you find the ideal credit card for you. Likemoney gets you unbiasedly rated financial products as all financial products on the site have been rated by you, the consumer.