Before you can get a proper car insurance quotes comparison, you need first to understand what car insurance is, how it works and why it’s important to have car insurance. You need to know this type of information to choose the right kind of vehicle insurance, in order to make a car insurance quotes comparison. Here are the things you need to know about car insurance.
Know what car insurance is
These days, it’s a luxury to own a car with the rising fuel price and inflation. Owning a car also comes with a big responsibility, from making sure your vehicle is serviced and maintained properly to ensuring that the passengers in the car are wearing their seatbelts. But what is car insurance?
What will you do when you are involved in an accident?
How will you pay for all the damage done to your car and that of the other car should the accident be your fault?
Do you have a large amount of money available for all of these costs and more?
In fact, what will you do should your car be stolen?
Vehicle insurance is the answer to all of these questions and more. Your car insurance company is who you call when you are involved in an accident. It pays for any of the repairs and damages incurred on your car and the other car during a collision. When your car is stolen, your motor insurance has you covered.
When you’re looking for cheap car insurance that comes at a different but more expensive price, third party car insurance is what you need. This cover will only be covering the damages inflicted on the other car or person. It’s the cheapest because you’re only paying the damages or medical bills of the other person involved in the accident and none of your own.
Should your main concern be someone stealing your vehicle or it being set alight, then this is the type of car insurance cover you need. It also covers any damages to a third party or his/her car in the case of an accident.
This type of car insurance gives you the absolute best of both worlds; your cover includes Third Party, Theft and Fire as well as damages to your car and medical expenses. As you can see, comprehensive is the recommended car insurance package as it not only covers you from out-of-pocket expenses should you be involved in an accident, but your car will also be replaced should it be written off in an accident.
These days, just stepping out the door puts your life and the lives of those around you at risk. Because of this and a number of accidents on South African roads, it’s almost impossible so say that we will never be involved in an accident. By having comprehensive car insurance, you know that you’re covered and therefore you have a degree of confidence, knowing that you are financially covered for any damages incurred to your car or any third party.
Just imagine the peace of mind, knowing you will never be stranded without a car. Or the beauty that car insurance not only protects your car, but that of your spouse and other dependents as well.
Finding the best short term car insurance can take time and unfortunately, we don’t always have the time to look for the best deal. LikeMoney will help you find a comparable insurance quote that is not only what you want, but what you need as well.