ADSL - Nexus Uncapped ADSL 10mbps

Nexus Uncapped ADSL 10mbps



Nexus Uncapped ADSL 10mbps




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Nexus Uncapped ADSL 10mbps

Nexus Uncapped ADSL is very fast and reliable, best suited for your home or business. Nexus use internet solutions backbone giving their services top-notch quality and reliability.


  • Safe, Secure & Reliable: all Nexus Uncapped ADSL products feature their DSL Lock feature which allows you to lock your account to  specific ADSL lines so that if someone get holds of your username and password they won’t be able to use it.
  • Full Fail-over Network: Nexus network is connected to the internet via various links and backed up by fly automated fail over technology.
  • Same Day Activation: fast and secure sign-up with same-day account activation.
  • No Contracts: Nexus Uncapped ADSL Accounts work on a month to month basis, no paperwork is required and you can cancel your data anytime as long as you give a calendar months notice.

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